Saturday, September 24, 2011

Purchase Knob Home

Science Center
Our first Fall field trip was to Purchase Knob as noted in
previous post. I had added this photo of the home, but
it disappeared when published. So here it is. A beautiful
place built as a summer home in 1964 and then donated
to the government in 2000. This would be a difficult
place to give up, but as a result, many more people
can enjoy it.

First Fall Field Trip-Purchase Knob Science Center

Here we approach the mountain top property via a narrow, steep, winding lane. We pray there is no oncoming traffic. It is a beautiful sunny day, the temperature drops as we get higher and higher.  I drove my car behind the bus, that is another parent in front of me. It was a dust storm by the time we got to the top.

Students file off the bus and head for the house for a short orientation.

After a short hike into the woods we sift the leaves collecting bugs.

The rangers say don't worry about poison ivy or oak.
It doesn't grow in this high elevation. Several
parents have come along. I was happy for the help.

We enjoyed a sack lunch on the side porch of the house.
Teacher assistant, Mr. B, knew more about the flora and fauna
than the rangers. He has a BS from Indiana in agriculture.

Beautiful view from the side porch of Purchase Knob.

We viewed the collected bugs projected on the wall of the once
master bedroom. Bugs were under a microscope and MUCH
bigger than life size. Interesting but eerie! It made my skin itch.

Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
The Appalachian Highland Science Learning Center is based on 535 acres in Haywood County, North Carolina, contiguous with the rest of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The parcel includes the 5,086 foot elevation Purchase Knob, a historic cabin, and two buildings which contain offices, laboratory space, a 50-person classroom, and housing for up to eight visiting scientists.
The buildings and land were donated in 2000 by Kathryn McNeil and Voit Gilmore, who had owned the property since 1964, and had built a summer home upon it. This represents the largest donation of land since GSMNP came into existence. Since then, the park has averaged about 5,000 visiting scientists, students and teachers each year. Everyday, the staff and program participants thank the family for their generous gift.
In 2001, Purchase Knob became the home of one of five initial Learning Centers created by Congress to support research in the National Parks and to transmit the information generated to the public. Eventually, 32 learning centers are expected nationwide.

Full Size Football

We've wanted a big screen tv for a long time. A couple of years ago we were numbed by sticker shock and came home with a modest 32 inch flatscreen. This week we took the plunge and went shopping and came home with a 55 inch LG flat screen LED tv with 3D!  We are watching University of Michigan football right now and feel like we are sitting in the bleachers of the Big House!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Image: Detroit Tigers starting pitcher Justin Verlander follows through as he throws in the fifth inning against the Oakland Athletics during their MLB American League baseball game in Oakland, California

Justin Verlander is having the kind of season where you could see him pulling off the impossible — advancing to the World Series and knocking off the powerful Phillies.

Well, we can only hope!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My friend Cathy

I taught middle school with Cathy (Clark) Martin in Deltona, FL. Our classrooms were next door to each other and we became fast friends. We both love teaching and horses. I was lucky enough to be able to do both with her. Today we keep in touch via email and on Facebook. She posted these photos of her barrel racing on FB. She still has it, I however have hung up my spurs.

Hey, sister Deb, does this give you the urge to get back in
the saddle again?  I am afraid I would look like the
greenhorns we used to laugh at, bouncing around.
Notice-no bit!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cleo at the Farmer's Market

Cleo had not fit the stereotype, happy as a clam, while living with her Clam Clan in the Indian River in front of JB's Fish Camp south of New Smyrna Beach, FL. Encouraged and assisted by her clan, she hitched a ride with tourists returning to Western North Carolina. Adventures in the mountains with her new friends had made Cleo a very happy clam. She had made her new friends happy too. They enjoyed taking her picture and laughed as they reviewed the photos.

Each day brought new experiences. Today they were off to the Western North Carolina Farmer's Market just outside of Asheville. There were arts and crafts of all kinds, fruits and vegetables, jams and jellies and most entertaining of all...people.  Cleo loved the natural beauty of the places she had visited in the mountains but oh, the people an added delight.

Cleo's friends peeking through the market display.

Cleo rests on a bench, ready to head home.

Cleo the very happy clam.

Cleo had left the Turtle Mound Clam Clan. She had been successful in hitching a ride. She was on an adventure. Gypsy blood coursed through her veins. She had experienced the cool mountain air and cold bold stream fresh water of WNC. She had certainly found the right people to tag along with. She found them entertaining and their conversations funny. She liked them, and they seemed to like her too. Today they went hiking through a beautiful woods. The sun rays danced through the tall tree tops. The crisp mountain air was invigorating. Yes Cleo, is happy as a clam!  If you look closely, you will see a smile on Cleo's face as she pauses on the trail.

Her new friends, noticing the growing smile built
a stone pile so she could enjoy the beautiful day.

The sense of adventure, earthy smells, sights of nature and
sound of laughter ringing through the woods made
Cleo a very happy clam.

Cleo experiences fresh water.

Some refer to the intracoastal waters of the Indian River as brackish water, part salt, part fresh.  Cleo refers to it as home. Now she is on a journey. Her first stop in in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Her adopted family took her along on a hike through the woods to a fresh water stream. The sound of the water rushing through the rocks was exciting. It was much cooler air and much colder water. She enjoyed sunning on the rocks, her tan had begun to fade.

Cleo's new friends explore the river as
she relaxes soaking up the sun's rays.

Now Cleo was 'happy as a clam,' she was
living her dream of seeing the world
and experiencing new things!

Cleo begins her journey.

Cleo the Turtle Mound Clam was bored with life in the Indian River at JB's Fish Camp. Yes, the sun was warm and occassionally the tide was strong enough to surf downriver. Of course the huge Manatees were entertaining lumbering along. Her Clam Clan helped her gain the attention of some tourist children. They placed her in a bucket of water and with a goodbye wink to the clan she was whisked away in a silver SUV.

After awhile, Cleo settled in for the long car ride ahead. She watched the scenery flow by reflected in the passenger window.  Before long she felt the car slow going up a steep incline. She could see that they were on a bridge high above the Indian River, she admired the sparkling blue-green water that had been her home. She lost sight of the water as the car bumped over the end of the bridge and she realized she had reached the mainland.

Many hours passed and the sun changed from one side of the car to the other. The temperature cooled and it grew dark.  She had seen many sights and watched the landscape grow from flat land to rolling hills and finally...mountains! 

Happy as a Clam!

Life is good living in the cool intracoastal waters that lap on the shore by JB's Fish Camp down A1A from New Smyrna Beach, FL. The Turtle Mound Clam Clan is living the good life in the warm sun and all are example's of the old saying 'Happy as a Clam!' All but Cleo. She has an itch, an urge, to do more, see more. "There just has to be more to life than drifting about in the Indian River," she complained to Cousin Clevis. "Well then, ya'all just gotta get 'er done," drawled Cousin Clevis (sounding a lot like Larry the Cable Guy).

So as the tide came in one particular warm day the Turtle Mound Clam Clan rode the currents and assembled in front of JB's.  Cleo announced she had made a plan and with their help she was leaving to see the USA. The clan gathered round and Cleo positioned herself on the very top.  As she saw children wading approach the clam began to open and shut pushing Cleo to the surface. A boy and girl startled at first, reached down and picked up the rising clam shell. As Cleo winked good bye to the clan the children ran off to place her in a bucket of water in their car.  Thus the adventure begins...

Mater Mess

This from the local paper, it happened just down the creek from us.

SANDY MUSH — A tractor-trailer overturned Saturday afternoon in a single-vehicle accident on Sandy Mush Creek Road, spilling most of its load of tomatoes into the creek.

No one was seriously injured in the accident, said N.C. Highway Patrol Trooper G. R. Reynolds. He said his investigation is continuing.

It appears that the tractor-trailer's wheels left the roadway and the narrow shoulder was unable to support its weight, flipping the truck over.

Neighbors said they have had problems with tractor-trailers driving too fast in the area. The road was closed for most of Saturday afternoon.

There were enough tomatoes in or near the creek to turn it into tomato soup or spaghetti sauce, but most remained in carboard boxes.

I can't confirm yet, but the fireman in the creek in
above photo looks like a former student of mine who
is a volunteer fireman and now works at
Billy Graham's 'The Cove.'

Friday, September 9, 2011

Boating on birthdays.

We all went boating on Brad's sailboat on Bill's birthday, except Bill that is.  They all went boating on Brad's boat on Sue's birthday, except Sue that is.  I see a pattern developing, birthday boat cruises without the birthday person. How does that happen?

I had a great time on Brad's boat on Bill's birthday cruise. I went swimming 2 miles out in the ocean. Relaxing and refreshing. Later that day we all had a fantastic birthday dinner at the Grille in NSB, and yeah the birthday guy was there!

Here is Captain Brad with 1st mate Sara.
Mary Galgoczi enjoying a Corona, Hawaiian
bread and spinach dip, yum.

Check out the horizon, 2 miles out in the ocean!

Mary, Anne, Sara, Sue and Steve are
all smiles and no one got seasick.

Paul in the bow with the Ponce de Leon
lighthouse in the distance as we enter
the inlet.

The birthday dinner, a fabulous feast
with lots of laughter and a great
tribute speech by birthday boy, Bill Taylor!

Another birthday cruise w/o the birthday girl, Sue.
Captain Brad lets Meghan take the helm.

Paul, Meghan and Sara behind those Foster Grants!

Sara and Paul's birthday toast.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Bears of Hendersonville

While at the Apple Festival we started
'bear hunting.'  Hendersonville has a tradition
of bears decorated in various themes.
Started in 2003, Bearfootin’ was created as a fun way
to raise money for local charities, while displaying
colorful artwork along the downtown sidewalks.

Some bears made us see spots!

Last years Bears raised over $21,000 for local charities.

Bear with a giant ice cream cone, Yum!

You'll have to check out this bears by tilting your head.
I can't figure out how to get them turned the right way.

The bears, Bearfootin’,  returned to Main Street in Downtown Hendersonville on May 6, 2011. They will be on display until October 22 this year.

A musical themed bear stands in front of the
local Irish Pub. (Notice he is on wheels.)

HendersonvilleBears is not sponsored by or affiliated with any government agency or any other organization. It has been funded and created with a private investment of time and resources.

We had a fun time at the Hendersonville Apple Festival with the added treat of a bear hunt.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Faster than a speeding bullet...

Us older folks remember hearing this phrase at the beginning of the old Superman TV show.  Sara and Brad just visited for a couple of days and time passed 'faster than a speeding bullet.' We packed a lot of fun in just a few days.

Brad and Sara whitewater rafted
on the French Broad River from
Marshall to Hot Springs.

Sara & Brad on the street in Asheville.
Just after I snapped the photo a person biked past us,
 blessing pedestrians & dogs (dressed as a nun.) The
bicycle seat was 10+ feet in the air!
Ahhhh, Asheville with 'eccentric weirdos.'

Pausing at an overlook on the Blue Ridge
Parkway (Asheville in background.)

Hiking, enjoying the quiet woods.

Big rocks, great for resting from hiking.


Here we are mining, earlier this summer.
We returned to relieve our gems
that were polished!