Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer cool down.

While the kids were here this summer the weather was HOT! Paul and Meghan made a path to the creek down in front of the house. It was nice cooling off in the crisp flowing stream. Here is a pic from my phone when John and I joined Paul and Meghan.  The bridge in the background is our driveway.

Another method of cooling off that Paul and Meghan used was the ol' garden hose. The water is cold, cold, cold, right from the well.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Will Rogers

My grandmother was a Will Rogers fan, I can remember her talking about him when I was very young. The famous quote that I recall was that he said he never met a man he didn't like.  Received the following as an email and thought I'd share here.

"Never squat while wearing your spurs"

Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash, was one of the
greatest political sages this country has ever known

Some of his sayings:

1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.
2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.
3. There are two theories to arguing with a woman.
Neither works.

4. Never miss a good chance to shut up.
5. Always drink upstream from the herd.
6. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging
7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it
and put it back into your pocket.

8. There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading.
The few who learn by observation The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.

9. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
10. If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.
11. Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n puttin' it back.
12. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.

Fun at the Farm

A couple week ends ago Tom and Joe (sons of my asst Tim) came to spend the day at the farm while dad, Tim went for a bike ride.  Buddy, the cat, loved them and followed us everywhere we went.  The dogs were freaked out completely. We realized that these were the first and only contact they've had with 'small' people that are on eye level. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed goofing around outside. Later we watched an animated movie, "Rango." It was entertaining and funny. Nowdays the writers include laughs for adults as well as the kids. Lots of references to old cowboys movies and shows. The boys picked fresh tomatoes from the garden and we made grilled cheese sandwiches with the tomatoes inside, yum. This last week Joe started Kindergarten and Tom entered 2nd grade while I am again in 6th grade. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Once a month a group (nicknamed: bushwhackers) gathers to do yard work at our church. Today was the day. It was tough to get up early again after finishing my first week back at school. John said we could stop for a quick breakfast at Burger King so that helped get me going. Here's John trimming the bushes in the front. (Photo taken with my cell phone.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hats off to North Windy Ridge School

That is this year's theme. Faculty was asked to decorate a hat with our individual classroom themes. My students consider it a treat to sit in my grandma Gladys' rocking chair and I want to encourage/improve their reading skills.

So this year Wolter's Wonders will "Rock 'N Read!"  Below is asst Tim and I in our hats decorated with books and a rocking chair.

I set a goal to collect a rocking chair for each student, beginning with grandma Gladys' rocker. I have another at home to take in and my assistant has one at home he will bring in. My friend Catha is bringing one from home and another teacher thinks she has one to donate.  Someone brought another in while I was in a meeting today.

Many other hats were worn with goals and themes envisioned for this school year.

My dear friend, Susan, is a talented Language Arts teacher.
You may think 'balanced' refers to mental state (unbalanced) but actually
refers to 'balanced literacy.' Leave it to Susan to make
a joke out of dry educational jargon.

Susan again sitting with coteachers Russell and Sherry while
Principal Jackie smiles in the background.
We are blessed to have such a warm and
supportive environment.

Lots of different hats abounded, some were BIG,
others were floppy, but all expressed the hopes
and aspirations of a fresh beginning.

These team teachers cut their hat in 1/2
to physically demonstrate how they fit together.
Today was 'Meet the Teacher' with families roaming the halls.
Tomorrow the race to June begins.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Take me out to the ball park...

While the family was together this summer we went
to the Asheville Tourists baseball game.

We had great box seats right behind home plate.

Sitting in the stands, Meghan and Paul smile
while Sara trys (unsuccessfully) to lean out of photo.

It was a hot summer evening and
ice cream really hit the spot!

Even though the Tourists lost in the last
inning we enjoyed the evening.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

School again...

Thinking about this next school year, remembering some highlights of last year...

Field Day 'Tour de France'

Look closely and see the Effel Tower and Arc de Triomph
( in black) at the finish line of our Tour de France, off
to the left side our Frence pastry shop (in red.)

Our castles for Medieval era studies.

Creating 'beaches in a bag' during beach week.

Sara helps with foam decorations for Halloween.

At the movie theatre viewing collection of tall tales.

A fun year, full of activities!  How will we top this?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mining in WNC

Here we are mining for gemstones, getting dirty and having fun.

They told us we found some sapphires.
We left the stones for them to cut and polish.
The plan is to have matching necklaces made.
We shall see...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Family Fun at Lake James

Hard to believe it has been a whole week since we were jumping in Lake James. We had a great time as you can see by the photos.

Cruising on our rented pontoon boat (raft to us Midwesterners.)

Swimming in one of the many coves.
The water was clear and cool.

Sara is posed for photo, Paul prepares to dunk her.

Ahhh, watermelon, the perfect summer snack.

We beached the raft on the sandy shore of a small island.

Paul flipping Meghan into the water!

Sara, Paul and Meghan floating around.

John, Meghan, Paul and Sara cooling off.

Paul and Meghan with the wind in their hair.

Sara relaxing on deck.

Paul and John watch the shoreline
as we travel the lake.

Beautiful vistas in every direction you look.

Friday, August 5, 2011

A week of fun, fun, fun...

If you have been following this blog you will notice it has been exactly a week since I have posted. During the last week our daughter, son and his girlfriend have been visiting. I have been living life for real and no time for virtual reality like this blog. But I do have plenty of photos for future blogs to relive the memories and all the laughs we had. For now photos of summertime at the farm.

Hiking down the driveway.

Potted flowers by the bench.

Frolicking in Turkey Creek, great way
to cool off!

Buddy, the cat, cruising on John's shoulder.