Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hats off to North Windy Ridge School

That is this year's theme. Faculty was asked to decorate a hat with our individual classroom themes. My students consider it a treat to sit in my grandma Gladys' rocking chair and I want to encourage/improve their reading skills.

So this year Wolter's Wonders will "Rock 'N Read!"  Below is asst Tim and I in our hats decorated with books and a rocking chair.

I set a goal to collect a rocking chair for each student, beginning with grandma Gladys' rocker. I have another at home to take in and my assistant has one at home he will bring in. My friend Catha is bringing one from home and another teacher thinks she has one to donate.  Someone brought another in while I was in a meeting today.

Many other hats were worn with goals and themes envisioned for this school year.

My dear friend, Susan, is a talented Language Arts teacher.
You may think 'balanced' refers to mental state (unbalanced) but actually
refers to 'balanced literacy.' Leave it to Susan to make
a joke out of dry educational jargon.

Susan again sitting with coteachers Russell and Sherry while
Principal Jackie smiles in the background.
We are blessed to have such a warm and
supportive environment.

Lots of different hats abounded, some were BIG,
others were floppy, but all expressed the hopes
and aspirations of a fresh beginning.

These team teachers cut their hat in 1/2
to physically demonstrate how they fit together.
Today was 'Meet the Teacher' with families roaming the halls.
Tomorrow the race to June begins.

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